The Color Festival
A game that takes to the air
Holi is a three-dimensional game that you play with 2 – 4 people. The rules of the game are not complex, but it requires strategy and tactics to win.
You start at the bottom and climb up one level at a time. The floors are transparent. If you climb to the top and stand on a space where nobody is standing, you will (logically) fall another floor down. So look very carefully. As an aid, there are coordinates on the sides so that you go from D3 second floor to the right place: D3 on the third floor.
The game reminds me a bit of chess. Maybe because you move playing pieces around the board. But Holi is, of course, much more colourful. Moreover, you can also play it with 3 or 4 people.
How to play?
First, you assemble the game board (can I call it that…. if there are 3 floors?). Then on the first and second floors, you put the candy chips.
Each player chooses a playing piece of a colour + corresponding chips representing the colour powder. Each player also gets a stack of cards with patterns.
Per game, you turn over two cards that apply to everyone. These are general rules/goals that you can take advantage of during the game or earn extra points at the end of the game.
At the end of the game, the chips on the first floor are worth 1 point, on the second 2 points and on the third 3 points.
We played it twice immediately after buying it. Of course, once a ‘learning round’ and then fully into the strategy, thwarting each other and taking as many points ourselves as possible.
General information on Holi:
- number of players: 2 – 4 people
- time: around 45 minutes
- from:the box says 13+ I estimate: 10+ especially if children like abstract games
- price: around € 44
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