5 years ago….. the birth of Pen & Pion
As early as 2017, I was working on games at school. I also wrote reviews for our local games association Dobbelix.
More and more, the plan began to form…. and in June 2018, I was wrote this:
It will be a while yet, but we are already busy preparing for the Dutch Education Fair! Netherlands’ biggest education fair is from 22 – 26 January 2019 at the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht. You will find us in hall 1, stand 134 (which is right next to Theatre Didactics).
Nice to see and talk to you there! We are already looking forward to it!
Take a look at our booth:

On Facebook, I had posted a call. And every day one of my friends came to help for a day. It was super fun! In addition, my husband Onno was the flying keeper and my son also helped out on his free Wednesday afternoon. He thought it was really cool to explain games to all those adults who came along.
Furthermore, I was sponsored by several game publishers from the Netherlands and abroad. HenMar Games came for a day to demonstrate its games, White Goblin Games was there for a day with all kinds of small card games. Inez from Games&Learning was also there for a day to showcase her educational games. She had even created a crazy fair game, illustrated by Renske Kroes. You can find a list of all the sponsors here.
And I was allowed to give away games! Among others from UK-based Big Potato Games, from Haba, Pegasus and Dutch company Waterfall Games. The guys from Waterfall Games donated a copy of Spexxx. Incidentally, during that period, I also played Spexxx at my son’s school in group 7/8 hb. The children gave thick ‘thums up’ for the game. What attracted them so much? Read that here.

Mensen die langs de stand kwamen, reageerden bijna allemaal op de film: ‘O, dat spel hebben wij ook! Oja, die is leuk!’
People passing by the stand almost all reacted to the film: ‘Oh, we have that game too! Oh yes, that one is fun!’
It was one big party! And the beginning of more, as you could already find several other stands around games and education at NOT 2023. Let’s play more! ❤️